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electric capacity造句

"electric capacity"是什么意思  
  • The advancement and application of the electric capacity senors
  • The power tube of 8 big easts 4 big electrolysis electric capacity
  • 8 import the big power tube only 6 big electrolysis in electric capacity
  • Import the exportation power the tube 4 big electrolysis electric capacity
  • Import the big power to output the tube 4big electrolysis electric capacity
  • Import the big power to output the tube 4 big electrolysis electric capacity
  • Import the big power to output the tube 4 big electroly sis electric capacity
  • Import the big power to output the tube 4only big electrolysis electric capacity
  • Importthe big power to output the tube 4 only big electrolysis electric capacity
  • Import the bigpower to output the tube 4 only big electrolysis electric capacity
  • It's difficult to see electric capacity in a sentence. 用electric capacity造句挺难的
  • Import the big power to output the tube 4 only big electrolysis electric capacity
  • 8 import the big power to output the tube 6 big electroly sis electric capacity
  • Importing the big power outputs the tube 4 with big electrolysis electric capacity
  • 12 import the big power outputs the tube 8 with big electrolysis electric capacity
  • 4 only import the exportation tube of the big east 6 big electrolysis electric capacity
  • If we compensate the pump station with lower power numbers for electric power and electric capacity , we can reduce the current load in the power source and the lines
  • Point the resistance to present to electric current . the resistance includes the pure electric resistance with give or get an electric shock to feel , what electric capacity produce feel the anti - with permit the anti -
  • Abstract : drawing up standard line diagram and measuring network diagram , accurately grasping analysis on the balance of line number , knowing the state of power supply and line so as to improve the recovery of electric capacity
  • When examination , the power supply basic performance carries on the test in the power source output line plug place , the output ripple and the noise test must in the test point parallel 47u / 16v tantalum electric capacity and 0 . 1 u f high frequency electric capacity
    检验时,电源基本性能均在电源输出线插头处进行测试,输出纹波及噪声测试需在测试点并联47 / 16v钽电容及0 . 1 f高频电容。
  • The state ’ s total installed electric capacity reaches 385 gw , electricity generation is 1908 billion kwh and electricity consumption grows to 1891 billion kwh in 2003 . however , it faces a severe situation that electric power is in short supply as a whole
    2003年全国的发电装机容量达到3 . 85亿千瓦,全国发电量达到19080亿千瓦时,用电量达到18910亿千瓦时,电力供需形势总体紧张,缺电较为严峻。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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